Sekang Wikipedia, Ensiklopedia Bebas sing nganggo Basa Banyumasan: dhialek Banyumas, Purbalingga, Tegal lan Purwokerto.
I have just changed jobs and the new one requires me to attend a 9 month entry course. The only days off I will have until the end of the year will be Friday evening and maybe Saturday morning.
Yèn rika nemu kaca kiyé ming situs apa baén sajabané proyèk Wikimédia, tegesé rika lagi mbukak sawijining situs pangilon (mirror site). Kaca kiyé bisa baén wis suwé ora dianyari, lan naraguna sing duwé kaca kiyé bisa baén ora duwé hubungan mirunggan karo situs liya saliyané situs saka proyèk Wikimédia. Kaca asliné kapernah ming
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