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Barkas:Transgender Pride flag.svg

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Resolusi biasa (Berkas SVG, nominal 512 × 307 piksel, gedhené berkas: 273 bita)

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English: The Transgender Pride flag was designed by Monica Helms, and was first shown at a pride parade in Phoenix, Arizona, USA in 2000.

The flag represents the transgender community and consists of five horizontal stripes, two light blue, two pink, with a white stripe in the center.

Monica describes the meaning of the flag as follows:

"The light blue is the traditional color for baby boys, pink is for girls, and the white in the middle is for those who are transitioning, those who feel they have a neutral gender or no gender, and those who are intersexed. The pattern is such that no matter which way you fly it, it will always be correct. This symbolizes us trying to find correctness in our own lives".
Русский: Флаг трансгендерного прайда был разработан Моникой Хелмс и впервые был показан на параде в Фениксе, штат Аризона, США, в 2000 году.
Tanggal SVG file 2006

Description above retrieved from page "Image_talk:Transgender_Pride_flag.svg" at en.wikipedia.

The flag was flown from a large public flagpole in San Francisco's Castro District beginning November 19, 2012 in commemoration of the Transgender Day of Remembrance ("Transgender Flag Flies In San Francisco's Castro District After Outrage From Activists" by Aaron Sankin, HuffingtonPost, November 20, 2012).

On 19 August 2014, Monica Helms donated the original Transgender Pride Flag to the Smithsonian National Museum of American History.
Juru pangarang SVG file Dlloyd based on Monica Helms design
(Nganggo manèh barkas iki)
LGBT symbol Penyangkalan hukum
Berkas ini memuat simbol yang merepresentasikan kelompok orang dengan orientasi seks dan identitas gender minoritas, termasuk lesbian, gay, biseksual, dan transgender (LGBT).

Setiap orang yang dengan sengaja mempertunjukkan simbol ini di muka umum dapat dipidana menurut peraturan perundang-undangan anti-LGBT di Afganistan, Iran, Rusia, Arab Saudi, Uganda, Uni Emirat Arab, dll. Tambahannya, mempertunjukkan simbol dengan maksud melontarkan ujaran kebencian dan diskriminasi kepada kelompok orang yang disebutkan di atas dapat dipidana menurut peraturan perundang-undangan antidiskriminasi di Belanda, Swedia, Britania Raya, dll.

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Derivative works of this file:

Flag colors
     biru rendered as RGB 091 206 250
     jambon rendered as RGB 245 169 184
     putih rendered as RGB 255 255 255
SVG genesis
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Please do not replace the simplified code of this file with a version created with Inkscape or any other vector graphics editor
Kode sumber

SVG code

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 800 480">
  <rect fill="#5BCEFA" width="800" height="480" />
  <rect fill="#F5A9B8" width="800" height="288" y="96" />
  <rect fill="#FFF" width="800" height="96" y="192" />
273 bytes

Jinis lisènsi

Public domain This image of a flag is ineligible for copyright and therefore in the public domain, because it consists entirely of information that is common property and contains no original authorship. For more information, see Commons:Threshold of originality § Logos and flags.


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Transgender flag, designed in 1999, by Monica Helms

Items portrayed in this file

gegambaran Jawa

tipe media Indonesia


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Klik nang tanggal/wektu kanggo ndeleng berkas kiye nang wektu kuwe mau.

Tanggal/WektuMiniatur (''thumbnail'')UkuranPanganggoKomentar
siki26 Juni 2023 01.52Miniatur nggo versi dong 26 Juni 2023 01.52512 × 307 (273 bita)CalendulaAsteraceaeuse rect, which is more human-readable than path
5 Juni 2023 05.42Miniatur nggo versi dong 5 Juni 2023 05.42512 × 307 (243 bita)IndysNotHereReverted to version as of 13:04, 6 April 2018 (UTC) 95% of the Trans flags in existence follow this ratio, and it is more common to see 3:5 Trans flags.
8 Oktober 2022 04.24Miniatur nggo versi dong 8 Oktober 2022 04.24512 × 256 (243 bita)PlasamasReverted to version as of 21:51, 5 April 2018 (UTC) what certifies "better proportions" I think it is best to revert to the older variety until this claim is proven.
6 April 2018 13.04Miniatur nggo versi dong 6 April 2018 13.04512 × 307 (243 bita)Keymap93:5 ratio.
6 April 2018 12.21Miniatur nggo versi dong 6 April 2018 12.21512 × 316 (243 bita)Keymap9Better proportions.
5 April 2018 21.51Miniatur nggo versi dong 5 April 2018 21.51512 × 256 (243 bita)Keymap9SVGOMG optimization.
5 April 2018 17.14Miniatur nggo versi dong 5 April 2018 17.14512 × 256 (360 bita)Keymap9Code cleanup.
22 November 2012 22.11Miniatur nggo versi dong 22 November 2012 22.11800 × 400 (321 bita)AnonMoosmaking pink more pink, based on verbal description and HuffingtonPOst photo
17 Mei 2012 23.51Miniatur nggo versi dong 17 Mei 2012 23.51800 × 400 (453 bita)MnmazurCode cleanup
23 Januari 2006 09.03Miniatur nggo versi dong 23 Januari 2006 09.03800 × 400 (532 bita)Dlloyd~commonswikiThe Transgender Pride flag was designed by Monica Helms, and was first shown at a pride parade in Phoenix, Arizona, USA in 2000. The flag represents the transgendered community and consists of five horizontal stripes, two light blue, two pink, with a whi

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